International Conference and Institute on AI and Blockchain (ICAIB 2022) for Information and Library Science - Challenges and Possibilities 2022
Organizer: Oxford i-Publishing
Date: May 25-27, 2022 (Wed-Fri)
High quality papers and conference presentations will be considered to be included in a special issue for Library Hi-Tech (IF=2.357).
This is a hybrid conference held online for the international audience.
(Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions, the conference will be held online only)
This event has 2 elements: (1). May 25 to May 26 (AM) will be our Summer Institute on the topics and (2). May 26 (PM) to May 27 will be the conference.
Best Conference Presentation Award
Guan-Lun Huang, Ping Yang and Yuen-Hsien Tseng /Information Extraction from Chinese Scientific Articles in LIS: A Preliminary Result
Best Conference Presentation Honourable Mention Awards
Liu Jinya, Chu Samuel Kai Wah and Yeh Martin K.-C /The applications of AI chatbots for information seeking : a systematic literature review
Jiawen Zhu, Lele Zhang, Xiaoqing Gu and Samuel K.W. Chu/ Applying AI in school and academic libraries to support students in learning: A literature review
Xiao Xuan Fang and Samuel Kai Wah Chu/ A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications/Technologies Used For Story Writing
Best Paper Award
Si Shen, Qinyu Li, Samuel Kai Wah Chu, Haotian Hu, Ling Kong and Dongbo Wang / Face Gender Recognition on Researcher Images Based on Deep Learning
Best Student Paper Award
Guan-Lun Huang, Ping Yang and Yuen-Hsien Tseng /Information Extraction from Chinese Scientific Articles in LIS: A Preliminary Result
Assessment rubric for Best Conference Presentation Awards is available here.
Assessment rubric for Best Paper Awards is available here.
About ICAIB 2022
“According to a study by scientists at the University of Oxford, Artificial Intelligence will be better than humans at translating languages by 2024, writing school essays by 2026, selling goods by 2031, writing a bestselling book by 2049, and conducting surgeries by 2053”.
More than 5 years ago (Apr 2016), Steven Bell warned in the Library Journal that, "It is still early in the development of artificial intelligence but eventually it will change the work of librarians—or make it irrelevant. How likely is it that we will be replaced by bots in the future?"
Although blockchain technology has been around for only 13 years (invented in 2008), it has already created a huge impact on society. For bitcoin (the first major application of the blockchain technology) alone, its market capitalization has reached 600 billion U.S. dollars in June 2021. Which industries could blockchain disrupt? Professor Christian Catalini (Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Strategic Management at MIT Sloan) said: “All of them. The technology is what economists call a general purpose technology, and we will see many applications across different verticals.”
Drs. Sue Alman and Sandra Hirsh (2018) proposed that blockchain may be used in libraries “to build enhanced metadata systems and data centers, protect first sale rights, connect to a network of libraries/universities, support community-based collections, host digital peer-to-peer sharing, re-examine expectations for ways public libraries contribute to city service, and other possibilities”.
AI and blockchain will surely create a tremendous impact for researchers and professionals in information and library science (ILS). This summer institute and academic conference is an effort to help ILS researchers and professionals in Asia and beyond to embrace the opportunities afforded by these two latest technologies.
If you would like to join our Local or International Organizing Committee to help organize/participate in this awesome event, please leave your contact details at:
Buy tickets in here (The "Buy Ticket" button below)
If you have problems accessing the google form, feel free to email us to indicate your interest.
Dr. Sam Chu, Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong
Chair of the International Organizing Committee, ICAIB 2022
Dr. Luke H.S. Liang, Assistant Professor at the TamKang University in Taiwan
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, ICAIB 2022
Conference Keynote Speakers and Institute Trainers
Keynote: An Introduction to Blockchain Applications in the Information Professions: Hype, Speculations, and Implications

Sandra Hirsh, Associate Dean for Academics College of Professional and Global Education, San Jose State University
Description: The blockchain investigation coordinated by the San Jose State University iSchool provided clear directives to build use cases that test scalability and usefulness. Many of the blockchain experts who participated in the project contributed short essays for the 2019 ALA Library Futures publication, Blockchain. This session will identify the issues, skepticism, and possible applications that involve blockchain technology. The newest blockchain project proposal involving the implementation of a universal library card (ULC) using a specially developed library blockchain protocol that maintains personal identity privacy and security will be discussed. The ULC will support digital inclusion and digital literacy by enabling unencumbered access to library resources for disenfranchised and credentialed users. Libraries will continue to manage users with the existing technology infrastructures already in use in their home organizations with an API that will connect with each organization's ILS platform.
Bio: Dr. Sandra Hirsh is Associate Dean for Academics in the College of Professional and Global Education at San José State University (SJSU). She previously served as Professor and Director of the SJSU School of Information for ten years. She is currently serving as President of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and has served previously as President of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). She co-founded and co-chairs the global virtual Library 2.0 conference series. Her work on blockchain use cases in libraries was funded by an IMLS grant and the findings were published as book , “Blockchain”, in the ALA Library Futures Series. She holds both a bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. from UCLA and a MLIS degree from the University of Michigan.
Keynote: The Coming Age of Information Inversion: When Information Searches for “would be” Seekers

Javed Mostafa, Professor, iSchool & Biomedical Research Imaging Center-School of Medicine, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Description: “There are too many books. They are being produced every day in torrential abundance. Many of them are useless and stupid; their existence and their conservation is a dead weight upon humanity.” José Ortega Y Gasset stated the latter words in a famous speech titled “Mission of the Librarian”, about 90 years ago. As we all know, the situation has grown worse. Jensen et al. published a nice study a few years ago which showed that it has become impossible for biomedical researchers to finish reading all the relevant articles in their individual areas of research. Information technology (IT) is a principal driver for the information flood. However, taking inspiration from the dictum of a “double-edged sword”, I argue that the potential for IT to address the challenges associated with information use has not been carefully examined and exploited. There are numerous opportunities to enhance the full scholarly information life-cycle by designing and deploying innovative human-information applications—starting with idea generation and ending with new scholarly information dissemination. A thorough discussion of the full information life-cycle, may take too long and it may be out-of-scope in this forum. Hence, I will concentrate on a few key aspects. Specifically, four facets will be covered: 1) Information ideation, 2) Document and data production, 3) Intelligent document societies/communities, and 4) Scholarly ecosystems where scholars and documents engage in dialogs and debates. Wherever appropriate, I will point out relevant R&D activities conducted by researchers in my laboratory and other researchers around the world.
Bio: Professor Javed Mostafa holds a joint appointment with the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) and the Biomedical Research Imaging Center at the UNC School of Medicine. He is also the director of the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) and the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research. His research concentrates on information retrieval problems, particularly related to search and user-system interactions in large-scale document/data repositories. He has current research engagements in biomedical data mining, analysis, visualization, user interface design, and multi-modal human-computer interaction. He regularly serves on program and organizing committees for major conferences and participates as reviewer for major grant initiatives.
Institute Workshop: Forever or Five Years: Blockchain

Darra Hofman, MARA Coordinator, School of Information, San José State University
Description: Jeff Rothenberg wrote that, “[d]igital objects last forever – or five years, whichever comes first” (1995, p.42). Rothenberg gives as his example a CD that contains the secrets to his fortune, and the challenges his grandchildren would face in even finding an appropriate disk-drive in 2045. Since Rothenberg’s article was first published in the mid-90s, digital information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become ever more entrenched, and the cycles of change and development ever faster. Archivists and other professionals working in digital preservation and curation must find ways to ensure the long-term trustworthiness, accessibility, and useability of data, records, and other digital objects that are designed with the expectation of obsolescence and ever-faster cycles. This talk will discuss the ways in which blockchain technologies have become part of diverse recordkeeping systems, and the skills needed by archivists and other records professionals to evaluate, understand, and preserve blockchain-based objects.
Bio: Dr. Darra Hofman received her Ph.D. in library, archival, and information science from The University of British Columbia in 2020. She completed her M.L.I.S. from the University of Kentucky and her J.D. and B.A. (honors) from Arizona State University. Her research examining the intersection of archives, technology, and law has been published in a number of journals, conference proceedings, and edited collections. In particular, she is interested in privacy, blockchain technologies, and health records.
Institute Workshop: Library with AI applications: New Interdisciplinary Learning about AI and more during COVID-19

Mr. Michael Cheng, Associate Librarian, Engagement and Learning Environments, The University of Hong Kong
AI is a hot topics in information professional. Ingenium was launched in February 2019 on the 2nd Floor of the HKU Main Library. In addition to cutting-edge facilities and innovative services, community building is essential in the sustainable development of a successful learning space. The presentation will cover how HKU Libraries collaborate with partners and co-organizing some teaching & learning activities with AI applications. Moreover, the presentation will also share the opportunities brought about by this project through engagement with stakeholders, new technology adoption and organizational transformation. Finally, it will report some new modes of teaching and learning activities about AI courses at Ingenium during COVID-19. A demonstration of Google vision kits, voice kits and Google Pose estimation will be given.
Bio: Michael Cheng is the Associate Librarian, Engagement and Learning environments, of the University Libraries of the University of Hong Kong. He is the head of the Lending Services Division of the University Libraries. He is also responsible to provide support on user engagement and branch libraries. In addition, he provided planning and supervision at Tech@Ingenium with AI and VR services. He has been in the Library industry for over 20 years. He holds MSc in Engineering and MSc in Library Information Management from the University of Hong Kong. Recently, he planned for the implementation of virtual counters in University Libraries. His latest research included user engagement and the use of technology in library services.
Institute Workshop: Google Dialogflow Chatbot

Ms. Wei-Min Fan, Reader Services Librarian, National Taiwan University
Description: With the development of chatbot technology in recent years, many fields have begun to use it to provide instant response. At the same time, more and more university libraries are also using chatbots to provide virtual reference services so that readers can quickly obtain the information they need. The instructor of this workshop will lead librarians to build a library virtual reference service chatbot by using Google Dialogflow Chatbot.
Bio: Ms Wei-Min, Fan is a Reader Service librarian in National Taiwan University (NTU), who’s ranked #1 in Taiwan and ranked #90 in Best Global Universities. She has done various research related to university libraries such as a user needs survey regarding library study rooms and an evaluation of chatbot implementation for virtual reference service. She is also a senior PhD student at the Department of Library and Information Science at NTU.
Invited Speakers and Panels
Accepted Papers, Panels and Symposia
Registration Rates

Registration Fees (U.S. Dollars)
1 - With proof of full-time student status
2 - No group discount for students
Organizing Committee
Local Organizing Committee members
Dr Shun-hong Sie, National Taiwan Normal University Library; Research: information retrieval, text mining
Dr. Vincent Lee (李宗曄) Director, Library Service Engineering of APAC at EBSCO Information Services
Dr. Yuen, Kwok Wa(袁國華研究員) National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Health and Welfare (衛福部國家中醫藥研究所典籍組(圖書館及資訊室))
Dr. Hung, I Mei(洪一梅博士) Research Center for Digital Humanities, and Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University (臺灣大學數位人文研究中心及電資學院資訊工程研究所數位人文實驗室)
International Organizing Committee members
Professor Stephen Downie, Associate Dean for Research, and Co-Director of the HathiTrust Research Center, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Professor Preben Hansen, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
Professor Theng Yin Leng, Professor & Research Director, Research Strategy and Coordination Unit (President’s Office), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr. Tina Du, Senior Lecturer, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of South Australia, Australia
Mr Matt Cook, Digital Scholarship Program Manager, Harvard Library, Harvard University, USA
Dr. Xiao Hu, Associate Professor, Program Director, BASc(Social Data Science), The University of Hong Kong, HK
Dr. Si Shen, Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, mainland China
Professor Michele Notari, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
Mr. Michael Cheng, Associate Librarian (Engagement and Learning Environments), The University of Hong Kong Libraries, HK
Dr. Md. Anwarul Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr Bhakti Gala, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Science, Central University of Gujarat, India
Dr. Syeda Hina Batool, Assistant Professor, Institute of Information Management, University of the Punjab, New Campus, Lahore, Pakistan
Dr Raj Kumar Bhardwaj, Librarian, St Stephen’s College, Delhi, India